Sunday, May 12, 2013


Good Day Everyone! It's Mother's Day 2013. Are you excited? Some of us may be excited...some of us not so excited. For those of you not so excited for whatever reason, just know that love is yours today.

As I was getting ready for church this morning, I thought of the pair of earrings I wanted to wear with my outfit. It is a pair of cute gold crystal strand dangle posts I made. I was excited and then I felt dread. I knew where these earrings were-caught in a tangled mess of other earrings of the like. I knew that the only way I would get these earrings in my ear was to get them untangled. I had tried before and gave up. But this morning, I decided to go for it! I took my time to untangle these earrings I wanted to wear and lo and behold, I got them untangled. How so?

Well, it's strange but I was actually thinking about how I was gaining ground with untangling the earrings. I focused on the earring I wanted untangled. I didn't try to untangle other earrings while working to free the earring I desired. I stayed focused on working on the one I wanted. As a result, the other earrings loosened helping me to free the earring I wanted.

Lesson? Stay focused on what you want and everything else will fall into place.

Lesson? Work on one "issue" at a time. When you work to be freed from so many chains, you will get overwhelmed, discouraged, and eventually give up.

Lesson? The one thing you want freed will unlock chains of other things you want free.

Lesson? ...

You tell me. What is a "Aha-moment" you glean from earring project?

We all want to free and/or be freed from something in our life. It may be a goal or it may be a burden. See from my lesson how you might actually achieve that which you truly desire.

Have a wonderful day and Bless a Mother you know.


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Saturday Mornings...

Good Morning Everyone!

Once again, I greet you with "It's been a while..." but I think that is the story of my life. Other than go to work and take care of my son, I'm not sure what I consistently attend to. I chuckle as I reread that last line. There are other things I'm consistent doing, but blogging is not one. But this morning, here I am.

I'm sitting in Starbucks waiting to begin another season of Non-Competitive Basketball for my KinderKid. This morning I listened to a song sung by Bethel Church in Redding, CA. My Sister-Friend sent it to me. It had me in tears (what's new). The song was "Nothing I Hold On To". It was a song about giving everything to God and trusting that God will "make something beautiful out of me." The song spoke to the sacrifice of Isaac, Abraham's long awaited for son. He had to climb the mountain knowing that he did NOT want to give up what he knew was God's gift to him to love and protect from all harm. But he did...

I think of my own life and all that God has been asking me to hand over. My son, my career, my heart. And I will have to trust that all this craziness that has been my life is making "something beautiful out of me."

Happy Saturday!

Monday, December 31, 2012

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Countdown to Your Next Level of Living


Hello for the last time of the year 2012. I have had a wonderful time this year sharing with those who read my blog. I hope that each reader of FromMe2U has been inspired and empowered and activated to discover the purpose hidden inside.

For me, this has been a year of hard-truths. I had to own the truth that both families (origin and created) would never be the same again...and that's ok. I had to own the truth that fear creeps into my heart and cripples me from doing what the Lord instructs me to do...and that's not ok. I had to own the truth that I am a loner and need to socialize more...especially with family. I had to own the truth that I am my son's full-time parent...and it is what it is. And the owning of truths list goes on and on...

What has this year been a year of for you? Has this been a year of triumph or turmoil? Has this been a year of lessons learned or lessons earned? I encourage you to reflect on this question and, as you come to your answer, begin to think how the answers can propel you into 2013. Tonight, we will begin a countdown in our hearts to our NEXT LEVEL of LIVING.

2013 will be the year that we all need to take the way we live to our next level. No more staying in the status quo of life. It's time to dream a little higher, aim a little higher, reach a little higher and Live at the next level. I know this may sound like a Self-Help Guru Mantra but it is the truth that I have learned as a Christian. The lessons I have been taught and learned is that when you are down in the pits (spiritually, financially, etc), you do...not...stay...there. You examine your heart and soul and allow for the truths to be told. Once they are told, you seek wise counsel and get to gettin'. Get to work on reaching a higher level of living because the Enemy of our Hearts does not want to see God's created people living in the Glory that was created. Living in Glory on Earth does not mean Perfection but it means Peace.

Tonight, as you begin the countdown to another calendar year, countdown in your heart to when you will begin your Next Level of Living.

Be Blessed and Safe Tonight,
Aurellia Anderson

Monday, December 10, 2012

FromMe2U: The Personal Blog of Aurellia Anderson: #HaveCourage to Say "No"

FromMe2U: The Personal Blog of Aurellia Anderson: #HaveCourage to Say "No": Hi Readers! I don't know about you but I hate, let me repeat, HATE, being told "No." Yes, I just expect everyone to say "Yes" to me and give...

#HaveCourage to Say "No"

Hi Readers! I don't know about you but I hate, let me repeat, HATE, being told "No." Yes, I just expect everyone to say "Yes" to me and give me what I want. I mean, why not? I say "Yes" to others' requests easily. But I think that is where the problem lies. Others have no problem with saying "No" while I will rearrange my LIFE in order to accommodate the request to which I have said "Yes". Well, this is the time for me (and you) to #HaveCourage to say "No".

Not having the ability to say "No" has gotten people into debt because they don't have the courage to not spend, spend, spend. Not saying "No" has allowed for men and women to be misused and abused over and over again. Saying "No" should be an easy word to roll off the tongue. However, it is not. For various reasons we accommodate others at the expense of our own comfort. This must stop. We must #HaveCourage to say "No" to others and risk not being popular. We must #HaveCourage to say "No" to our own indulgences and risk being temporarily uncomfortable.

Get ready for the best of the rest of your life by mustering up the courage to Say "No".


Sunday, December 9, 2012

#HaveCourage to Dream

Hello everyone! I hope you're being inspired and encouraged to #HaveCourage this month to step into the new year a new you! I know I am.

Today, I want to encourage you to #HaveCourage to Dream. I know it sounds so simple but there are those of us who can't allow themselves to dream again because dream after dream has not come true for them. If you are that person, let me encourage you to #HaveCourage to Dream again. I know it may appear that your dreams have not happened but your life isn't over yet. There is still time.

For those of you who have not dared to dream because fear of looking stupid, let me encourage you to #HaveCourage to Dream. So as a person thinks so shall they be.

Dream...about your wants. Dream...about your needs. Dream...about the world. Dream...about your community. Dream...Dream...Dream.

#HaveCourage to Dream!


Friday, December 7, 2012

#HaveCourage to Let GO!

#HaveCourage to Let Go

Confession: I do... change. I abhor it. I get comfortable in my ways of living and any sort of change throws me off. So you should assume that I have had (and still do) a hard time letting go of things, people and relationships. It took me years to let go of old relationships and bad memories. And I learned the hard way that in order for me to have the best and grow to be the best of God, I must #HaveCourage to let go. 

Yesterday I posted on Social Media the #HaveCourage for the day. It was #HaveCourage to Let Go. The first post was about letting go of old material things. Did you know the starting point of decluttering is psychological? We have to admit to ourselves we are emotionally attached to certain possessions and will hold on to them even if they are broken or worn out. The dresser with the broken legs needs to go! The stained shirt needs to find its way to the dumpster! Television shows like Hoarders have trained counselors speak to the hoarder because they know that keeping a tight grip on material possessions even when they no longer serve their purpose for us is a mental issue. But we must #HaveCourage to Let Go. 

The next #HaveCourage post was about letting go of relationships that no longer serve their purpose in our lives. Now I am not talking about marital relationships (that's a whole different can of worms) but the relationships that began with a different expectation and end up being broken and worn out. There are those friendships we have that are no longer friendly but are actually destructive to our moods and self-esteem. There are those romantic relationships that are no longer adding to our love-factor and find itself being abusive. Seriously, these relationships are no longer serving the purpose with which was the starting point. #HaveCourage to let go. 

Letting go does so much for our environments-living and psychological. It allows for the air to be cleansed from all that is toxic and harmful. It allows for our spaces to be empty so they can be filled with the good that is God. Believe me, when I do some purging, purification automatically comes along because clean just feels so good (and I also mean with relationships). 

My friends, do the hard thing and ask yourself, "What/Who do I need to let go?" When you come up with the answer, #HaveCourage to let go!
